Shedding the Past in the Year of the Snake
The End of Everything that Never Worked Right in the First Place
The new moon on January 29 passes the baton from the gigantic and mystical dragon to the secretive and deadly snake, champion shedder, who must periodically shed its skin to stay alive.
These final weeks of the Dragon summon you to ignite the soul spark that burns so deep in you it transcends life and death. If that flame that sent you here from spirit ignites, you’ll gain the power to shed layers of conditioning that block your soul force.

To shed, a snake needs something abrasive like a cactus to hook the old skin on and wriggle free.
All the ills of the world that prick and barb you in the coming year will provide thorns to hook your stale stories, spent energies and obsolete pieces as you twist and turn and wriggle free.
Remember that snakes go blind at shedding time; their eyes cloud over and vision turns inward.
So it’s vital to gather a network of protectors to shield you as you turn inward for vision and replenishment, and when others around you start to shed you may need to do the same for them.
Air is the speediest element so you’ll probably be quick to burn out but also fast to replenish once you get your heart and head aligned with the communal buzz that carries the torch of love out of the 1960s through the Great Darkness of our time.
2025 is a 9, number of the Open Communications Network that links being to being, person to plant, the living with the dead, planets to stars and all things to each other.
Pay attention to telepathic messages, sharp intuitions, creative sparks and prophetic dreams, which may become realer than the dead skin of melodrama that billions of people mistake for actual life and needs to be sloughed off.
If your serpentine desire for something new and juicy draws you out of the worldwide Karmic Theater production: The End of Everything That Never Worked Right in the First Place, you may be surprised, in the wings behind the curtain, in dark alleys and strange byways, to find unlikely allies among the growing tribes of other restless Aquarian misfits slithering out of the world illusion into fresh green fields beyond.