The greatest pressure of all gives way when you open
your entire being in an ecstatic act of radical surrender

Sample Syllabus for Degree Frequencies Semester 1

Class 1:  Drawing your prenatal chart, i’ll identify your main frequencies

Class 2:  We’ll discuss the various categories of frequencies and their  usage

Class 3:  1 Emanate from a center which I am just forming now. the radiating wave, contagious ripple

Class 4:  2 Preparing the ground for the future while reliving the past. only as hard as you make it

Class 5:  3 Obsessed with truth. thesis-antithesis-synthesis. tempted to constellate the dark

Class 6:  4 Master your reactivity. puncture my circle of pride and come alive despite myself

Class 7:  5 Perpetual depth journey to self to find inner allies. the buck stops here

Class 8:  6 Forerunner going six directions at once as pure karmic theater, playing out shadow

Class 9:  7 Nothing you take through you sticks, all things are utterly meaningful, relevant and real

Class 10:  8 Shadow catcher you have to undo the world in order to do the world

Class 11:  9 Ride the wild edge or make peace with life prematurely and live in frozen grief

Class 12:  10 Life task. true & false service. clearing vertical channel of your ultimate nature

Class 13:  11 Heart of the outbreath. seek to resolve polarity karmas, shift patterns, connect opposites

Class 14:  12 The ultimate cleanse/purge. subtle feelers glued to a range of impressions no one else gets

Class 15:  13 Sleeping dragon. already know most advanced things, have to learn basic

Class 16:  14 Radical gardener.  you do whatever needs doing, 26 hours a day, while inside, you’re getting at the stuff clogging self freedom

Class 17:  15 Personal soul finds destiny opening to move into a whole new reality