It requires your willingness to believe that the innermost dream
in your heart is the reason you came here in the first place,
and that if you owe anything at all to this world, it's your right
to become radiantly, genuinely true to yourself.
Sample Syllabus for Advanced Chart Study Level 2
Now that you’ve gained a foundation in Soul Level Astrology and Star Genesis, this semester is designed to deepen your grasp on timing cycles through the Tides of the Progressed Moon as they relate to Transits and Dharmic Currents, and to include hands-on student readings in each class.
Class 1: Tides of the Progressed Moon, Transits & Dharmic Currents. Each class this semester will have the same structure: the first hour will deepen our study of timing cycles. The second hour will feature two students giving ten-minute readings, followed by feedback and discussion.
Class 2: Timing Cycles & Student Readings
Class 3: Timing Cycles & Student Readings
Class 4: Timing Cycles & Student Readings
Class 5: Timing Cycles & Student Readings
Class 6: Timing Cycles & Student Readings
Class 7: Timing Cycles & Student Readings
Class 8: Timing Cycles & Student Readings
Class 9: Timing Cycles & Student Readings